Jun 12Liked by Owólabi Aboyade

This piece struck me like a whip. I have nothing but empathy for the pain you've learned to endure. There's a strength within you that most of us can only dream of. Thank you for sharing your world with us, and thank you also for introducing me to the format of the 100s. I'm very intrigued by it and will probably try it out on my own. Cheers!

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peace! Thank you so much for reading and feeling it. If you ever publish any 100s please share.... also 100s are a form where people are in dialogue with each other so feel free to respond to these and/or tag me if you want me to respond to yrs.

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Sounds good!

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this book is scripture for this form: https://www.np-press.org/say-listen

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Owolabi - I'd love to read more of your experiences within the medical system. Does your other writing reflect this?

I'm a physician and anytime I can be a patient, I feel like my physician skills improve. Reading your work may also do the same, for me, and many others.

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I'm part of the Pacific University community and you may take delight and inspiration in The Body Chronicles which engages writing on health and healing. You could get on their email list. Tell Scott that I sent you... https://www.pacificu.edu/calendar/body-chronicles-writing-pandemic-and-long-covid

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peace! this is one that has been published https://reimaginingmagazine.com/project/healing-reverence/

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thank you so much for checking in-- i have other writings that I've yet to publish or figure outt where they will find a home. I'd love to be in conversation with you.

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let's stay in touch. off the top of my mind, annals of internal medicine publishes a column called "On Being a Patient" and JAMA publishes "A Piece of my mind" but I think these are very selective.

After I got rejected by Brevity, they sent me this list of where else I could publish flash non-fiction, you might find this helpful.


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I don't have access to either Annals of Internal Med or JAMA. Let's stay in touch. If there's any of your writing you'd like me to check out, let me know... Thank you for your encouragement. Through Pacific University I have started doing some light editing for Teaching and Learning in Medicine but nothing has been published from that yet. https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/htlm20

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are you fluent in hip hop literacies... I have spit on this on some songs such as this song


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here is the first time i tried to put these experiences to rhythm: https://willseemusic.bandcamp.com/track/day-2-day-struggle

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I’d love to hear more of your story and how it shaped your overall POV. I have a theory that I’m curious if your experience lines up with.

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